Events / Michael Schatz, PhD

Michael Schatz, PhD

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Connor Auditorium (FLTC)

Michael Schatz, PhD Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Department of Computer Science & Quantitative Biology Johns Hopkins University

presents, “Computing at scale with the NHGRI AnVIL”
Hosted by:  Dr. Tychele Turner
In-person only:  Connor Auditorium (FLTC)


Modern genomics often requires very large numbers of samples to detect any subtle patterns that may be present. The scale of these projects opens new opportunities for discovery; however, this scale also introduces major new technical challenges that require overhauling how genomics and genomics data science are performed. Addressing this, the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-Space, or AnVIL (, provides a secure cloud environment for the storage and analysis of large genomic and related datasets. AnVIL currently provides harmonized access to >600,000 genomes, with many more on the horizon, and provides access to thousands of software tools, plus several options for interactive and batch analysis. In this presentation, I’ll introduce the AnVIL and present some of the scientific discoveries made possible spanning new reference genomes, population genetics, clinical genomics and beyond.