Michael White, PhD

Michael White, PhD

Associate Professor of Genetics

Nygel Williams, MHA

Nygel Williams, MHA

Manager, Financial Operations

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Joe Willis

Lab Asst I/Glasswasher

Mary Wojczynski, PhD

Mary Wojczynski, PhD

Associate Professor of Genetics

Anjali Yadav, PhD

Anjali Yadav, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Hiroko Yano, PhD

Hiroko Yano, PhD

Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurology, and Genetics

Jinsheng Yu, PhD, MD

Jinsheng Yu, PhD, MD

Assistant Professor of Genetics

Yuning Zhang, PhD

Yuning Zhang, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher

Guoyan Zhao, PhD

Guoyan Zhao, PhD

Assistant Professor of Genetics and Neurology