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Department of Genetics 50th Anniversary Symposium.

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Using Interpretable Deep Learning Tools to Decipher Gene Regulation
In this paper, recently published in PLOS Computational Biology, Dr. Michael White, Associate Professor of Genetics and colleagues used a new AI learning package to model data generated with synthetic regulatory DNA elements to further the understanding of regulatory DNA.
Celebrating Drum Major Award Recipients Drs. Jim Skeath & Brett Maricque
On Jan 26, 2024, two faculty members in the Department of Genetics were awarded a “Drum Major Award” by the 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Planning Committee. Their contribution to the community is inspiring to each one of us.
The Turner Lab Develops HAT to Call De Novo Variants for Short-read and Long-read Sequencing Data
The Turner Lab has recently released Hare And Tortoise (HAT), an automated de novo variant (DNV) detection workflow for highly accurate short-read and long-read sequencing data. The method was published in Bioinformatics in January 2024.
The Schedl Lab Receives R35 Grant
The Schedl Lab led by Dr. Tim Schedl recently received NIGMS R35 grant. The grant provides funding for studying “control of germline stem cells and the switch to meiotic development in C. elegans” for 5 years.
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