Video: PhD Students Talk about New Research on Transposable Elements and Cancer

In the new paper published in Nature Reviews, “Towards targeting transposable elements for cancer therapy”, graduate students Xuan Qu and Yonghao Liang (Holden) summarized the latest research developments in the field. In this video, they talk about their research focus in Dr. Ting Wang’s lab.

Using Interpretable Deep Learning Tools to Decipher Gene Regulation

In this paper, recently published in PLOS Computational Biology, Dr. Michael White, Associate Professor of Genetics and colleagues used a new AI learning package to model data generated with synthetic regulatory DNA elements to further the understanding of regulatory DNA. 

Postdoc Profile: Ju Heon Maeng

Below we are going to delve into Ju Heon Maeng’s background, hobbies and research aspirations. What are you investigating? I am currently working on two projects. First, I am investigating transposable element-derived antigens in patient-derived glioblastoma stem cells upon epigenetic treatment. This project involves analyzing multi-omics data, including long-read CAGE data.Also, I’m studying transposable element […]

The Schedl Lab Receives R35 Grant

The Schedl Lab led by Dr. Tim Schedl recently received NIGMS R35 grant. The grant provides funding for studying “control of germline stem cells and the switch to meiotic development in C. elegans” for 5 years.

Bioinformatics Pioneer Dr. Gary Stormo Retires

After 24 years of professorship at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Dr. Gary Stormo, the Joseph Erlanger Professor of Genetics, retires at the age of 73.

Dr. Yang (Eric) Li’s First-authored Paper Published in Nature

As part of NIH’s BRAIN Initiative, Nature recently published 10 papers mapping the first mammalian brain. Genetics Assistant Professor Dr. Yang (Eric) Li, a contributor in this project, co-first-authored one of the Nature papers titled: Single-cell analysis of chromatin accessibility in the adult mouse brain. Li has also contributed to two other papers in this […]